The new Burzum is great, though some of the production value is a bit questionable. The vocals are much much too high and feel isolated from the overall mix. Still, the best songs he's written since he's been in prison.

If you enjoy sweeping, almost emotional, almost oppressive style black metal (think early Gorgoroth) you should totally dig the new Sargeist. It's well played, well written, and sounds just peachy. I hear bits of Nachtmystium as well, without the progy moments.Shatraug's solo project should be his full time gig.

Winds of Genocide are crusty metal of the best kind. So much more fun that typical hardcore and a bit more straight forward than most death metal. They should open up their sound just a bit but it's a solid first effort.
Luca Turilli is back and bringing the shred with the new Rhapsody of Fire Album. You should know who they are if you care about epic power metal, or survived Dragonforce. It's a terrible video though, so keep that in mind. No elves, or forests, or flying ships of doom. Just some middle age guys rocking out how they do to a white background. Just skip up to the solo at 2:40 and get your lube ready.
I'd really like Best Coast if the vocals weren't so stale, limited, and almost monotone. To me, indie rock really rests on how good the vocals are. I turn my head from a lot of nasally, weak, and or annoying vocals even if the jangle is pretty decent.
People seem to like them though.
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