“We are Culture Prophet. We play the shows, you supply the dance.”
They are from North Carolina and apparently they know what they're doing. Very nice Digitalism Remix.
Digitalism - Idealistic (Culture Prophet Remix)
If you like old school death metal you should be listening to these fellows. Gone is the mathematical approach to death, and instead we have some grooves and memorable riffs. Basically it sounds a lot like old Cannibal Corpse, but with an energy of its on. I hear bits of bolt thrower rifts in there too.
Blood Red Throne - Deranged Assassin
Laura Veirs.
This song really got wedged into my grey matter. I can't really say why I like it so much. The drums and bass are a perfect staccato back beat to the airy guitars and her lighter than air voice. It makes me think of somebody.
Laura Veirs - Don't Lose yourself.
Cryostasium is black metal in its most primal form, lashing out in a dark seething abyss. They take elements of industrial and ambient along the same lines as Xasthur (who they have a split with.) and create some very pitch dark sound scapes.
Music to get creeped out by.
Cryostasium - Asylum C