Entombed beating up conversion while Celtic Frost watches and detunes their guitars. Fun stuff from England. The vocals take time to grow on me, but the music is highly enjoyable. Thick and heavy with plenty of twists.
Centurions Ghost - Black Hearts Will Break.
Heads we Dance.
A poppy britsh magnetic fields. Very pet shop boys. Not much else to say but a great track sing along with. The production is very top 40 80's.
Heads we Dance - Heart is Set on you.
The Raveonettes.
Danish pop with fuzzy guitars and a nice beat. The video is pretty creepy.......until that guy starts dancing.
I could really do without that.
Phil Ochs.
This is a strange clip with some very serious looking kids in the background. One of the best anti-war songs ever written. I'd take Phil Ochs over bob Dylan any day. His collection of political folk is stark, powerful, and even a bit funny sometimes.