
Like a summer dirge to the rain.

Wolves in the Throne Room are the most relevant black metal band in the United States. It's pretty enough to attract indie kids, but dark enough to satisfy the faithful while actually having some intelligent motivations. Their new tour E.P. Malevolent grain is only out on vinyl and very limited, but I thought I would share a track.

This song really pulls out the vocals of Jamie Meyers while winding through your head with creepy melodies. It's like a summer dirge to the rain. Very beautiful stuff and not what you would expect from a black metal band. My favorite part is the crushing sounds that play out at the end.

Wolves in the Throne Room - A Looming Resonance

They also have a new full length out, but I haven't even sat down with it yet.


I've never been familiar with orders.

I do a lot of stupid things when I'm drunk. Like sit on the Boylan Bridge and text message people I don't like at 3 in the morning. Or send out really weird emails. I get more emotional than usual, which is pretty heavy. My phone and internet connection should be taken away from me. This weekend really tested my limits in social interaction and dealing with jerks.

<- Break _>

The Do Are pretty awesome indeed. An amazing voice with some good pop songs. Cute but with enough intensity and skill to not being annoying. Like when Bjork wrote pop songs. Not that being from Finland makes you anything like being from Iceland. At all. That's not what I'm trying to say.

These guys Wildlife! remixed one of their older songs "On my shoulders" with great success. It makes a really sweet song even sweeter. Rowdy and sweet.

The Do - On My Shoulders - Remix by wildelife!

And here is the original:

Why do they wonder why I never get bored?

Brave and stupid.

Sasha Grey in Rolling Stone.

Sasha Grey is a porn star. A really really dirty one at that. She blows just about ever girl in the business out of the water when it comes to intensity stacked on top of filth, and that's saying something. She's like an elegant belladonna without the crappy tattoos. She's also crossing over into legit films that might actually be watchable while picking up some, dare I say, hipster credibility along the way.

Good for her. I'm all for treating porn stars like people, but I'm not quite convinced she's nearly as intelligent as she tries to be. I think she has a lot of raw smarts without a lot of knowledge and it seems like she's trying really hard to overcompensate. Then again, she's only 21. What did you know at 21? She is brave. That's for sure.

I've thought, for a long time, that porn stars are the only real rock stars. They really do live on the fringe of society and get no respect for what they do. Most of them give up their friends and family to try their hand at movies, while dealing with some major stress. Your average douche in a rock/punk band gives up nothing and just wants to meet girls who are dumb enough to like him.

Anyway, here is to Sasha! She's trying to keep her identity when so many people want to take it.